


International linkages are long-term mutually-enriching relationships between two or more academic institutions, 部门, 学校, 或能力. XULA also may administer large institutional development projects involving close cooperation between universities in the U.S. 以及一个或多个发展中国家. 偶尔, non-academic institutions may be involved in such linkages if they can play a valid role in teaching, 研究, 或者国际发展活动. 联系通常源于非正式的教职员工联系, 但最终, 演变成正式的协议,可以涵盖各种形式的合作. XULA’s 国际教育办公室 and Development within the Division of Academic Affairs has established protocols to deal with international linkage possibilities.

通用的XULA政策和行为规则适用于所有学生, 教师, 和工作人员,同时参加大学交流计划. 两所院校都应遵守学术自由原则.

While all exchanges are begun with the expectation that there will be continuing interest on the part of both institutions, 所有协议都应包括审查条款, 继续或结束, 每三到五年一次.

许多交流是在互惠原则下进行的. For 教师 exchanges, this means that small, informal exchanges need not require external funding. 虽然可能没有现金支出,除了旅行支持, 应考虑办公空间和行政支助的实物捐助.  对于一些学生交换, 互惠原则涉及到每个学生支付本国大学的学费. 这笔学费存入“银行”,用于支付即将入学的国际学生的学费. 因为学生需求不足造成的不平衡对财政的影响, 任何双边交流项目都应该有明确和持续的需要.

如前所述, international linkages often originate through informal contact between 教师 and staff at two or more institutions who share some form of common interest. 短期项目或有限范围或持续时间的学术交流, 不需要正式的联系协议. 但是,如果有足够的兴趣、支持和长期的潜力 如果是相互作用,那么非正式安排可能演变为正式的国际联系.

All formal international linkages at XULA are coordinated through and administered by the 跨文化和国际项目中心 (CIIP).  CIIP acts as a registry and clearinghouse for all XULA’s linkage agreements and provides assistance to 教师, 部门, 与高校发展国际交流关系和协议.

If a XULA 教师 or staff member would like to establish an international linkage between XULA and another institution, 她或他必须遵循以下步骤:





  1. 机构对持续联系的承诺程度如何? There must be a strong base of grassroots 支持 in the relevant academic and administrative units in order for the linkage to be effective.
    b.     这种联系是否能支持联索特派团的任务、需要和优势?
    c.     Will XULA’s academic and 研究 standards be maintained or enhanced as a result of the linkage?
    d.     What are the existing personal contacts between the institutions that could form the basis of a linkage?
    e.     To what degree is the linkage dependent upon the interests and activities of a small number of people? 如果支撑的基础很小, 然后,随着人员和利益的变化,这种联系很可能变得不活跃.
    f.      Is the proposed partner located in a region of the world in which XULA has a particular interest? Prior consultation with the 跨文化和国际项目中心 is strongly encouraged to learn about other existing interest/programs/linkages in related areas.
     g.  这两所大学在规模上有什么相似之处吗, 历史渊源, 语言上的共同经历, 等.)?
    h.     拟议的联系对院校的财政影响是什么?
    i.       如何为这一联系提供资金? The potential for access to funding possibilities to 支持 the proposed linkage activity should be considered and addressed. 如果资金, 或者是获得资金的潜在途径, 不太可能支持这段关系, 不应该建立正式的联系.


  1. Informal contacts with institutions abroad may be made by 教师, staff, administrators, or alumni. 进行非正式接触时应遵循以下步骤:
  2.  Notify the Director for the 跨文化和国际项目中心 that informal contacts are being made with an institution abroad.
  3.  出国前调查联动的可能性, 写, 电话, or fax the appropriate senior institutional official (usually the rector or vice chancellor) for an appointment.
  4.  获得大学高级管理人员的介绍信, 并带来有关XULA的资料与潜在的联动伙伴进行交流.
  5.  在国外访问之后,提出建立联系的建议. 提案应回答上述步骤1中所述的问题. Submit the proposal to and discuss it with the Director for the 跨文化和国际项目中心.


  1.  A clear and shared understanding of the benefits and objectives of the proposed linkage must be arrived at between the two institutions.
  2.  Detailed preparation for the linkage should include input from and be based on the solid commitment of all XULA units to be involved. 这在交换学生的情况下尤其重要, 相互承认学位学分的问题在哪里需要认真处理.
  3.  The initial formal contact may be between the presidents or other senior administrators of both institutions.
  4.  An individual with overall responsibility for the administration of the proposed linkage should be identified in the proposed partner institution.  At XULA, the Director for the 跨文化和国际项目中心 fulfills this role.
  5.  Following the exchange of correspondence between the presidents/vice presidents/rectors or their designees, 管理员将发起与伙伴机构中的对应方的联系. This contact would seek to develop in greater detail the parameters set out in the initial contact between presidents or senior administrators.
  6.  对国际伙伴的预备访问或来自国际伙伴的预备访问, 涉及管理人员和/或教师可能被双方认为是适当的.


  1.  应准备一份书面协议,供各院校校长签署.
  2.  在XULA,所有国际联系协议必须仅由校长或教务长签署 & 负责学术事务的高级副总裁. 任何不是由XULA校长或教务长签署的协议 & 负责学术事务的高级副总裁 is not a formal and does not commit to the University.
  3.  The agreement should contain the following provisions: mutual goals; definitions; a statement of who the expected participants are, and how many; payment of fees and other costs; mutual recognition of credits where student exchange is involved; responsibilities of each university; a clause providing for future rectification of weaknesses and problem areas in the agreement and renewal of the agreement subject to mutual satisfaction; a withdrawal clause (providing for advance notice).
  4. 点击这里 for the XULA standard Agreement Template (also referred to as the MOU "Memorandum of Agreement").
  5.  在协议提交给机构领导人签署之前, 它必须由XULA教务长审查 & 负责学术事务的高级副总裁. 国际合作机构的情况可能也是如此. 曾经的教务长 & 负责学术事务的高级副校长已经批准了这项协议, 该协议将提交给XULA主席签署.
  6.  一旦协议被XULA和国际合作机构签署, one original will be sent to the international partner institution and a copy to the XULA unit initiating the agreement process. The XULA original copy will be maintained in the 跨文化和国际项目中心.
  7.  Regular contact between the institutions following signature of the agreement will help to ensure that the link will remain relevant, 有效,没有严重的问题.

如前所述, international linkages often originate through informal contact between 教师 and staff at two or more institutions who share some form of common interest. 短期项目或有限范围或持续时间的学术交流, 不需要正式的联系协议. 但是,如果有足够的兴趣、支持和长期的潜力

如果是相互作用,那么非正式安排可能演变为正式的国际联系. All formal international linkages at XULA are coordinated through and administered by the 跨文化和国际项目中心 (CIIP).  CIIP acts as a registry and clearinghouse for all XULA’s linkage agreements and provides assistance to 教师, 部门, 与高校发展国际交流关系和协议.